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Reputation - Facebook messages not pulling through

There may be several reasons why your Facebook messages are not coming in: 

Reputation pulls in messages from all social media and review channels every hour. If the message that you are expecting was just recently been published on Facebook, please check your inbox again in an hour or so. Or, if it's urgent, respond directly on Facebook.

It's possible that the Facebook message you are looking for is not a message type we currently support, such as Check-Ins and Mentions. Currently, Reputation management supports the following Facebook message types: 

  • Own Posts
  • Wall Posts
  • Recommendations
  • Private Conversations

If the above scenarios do not apply to you, it could be a hitch on Reputation or Facebook's system. In that case, please do not hesitate to reach us via email at [email protected] or click the support chatbox on the lower right side of your screen.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to us via the chatbox on the bottom-right of your screen. We appreciate your time, and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can!

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