Some of your most passionate customers might have some questions about your business that they have posted on Google Q&A.
These questions are easily accessible for those who search your business on Google so it's always a good idea to be on top of these customer inquiries.
The good news is you and your team can answer Google Questions straight from your Reputation Inbox!
Google Q&A will come in as a typical Inbox item that shows the name of the customer, a preview of the question, date and time, and the number of answers by you or others.
You can select a specific Google Question from your inbox list and see the details of the inbox item such as published answers and number of likes.
Like reviews on your Google My Business location, you can only publish one answer at a time. However, you can always edit or delete your existing answer to post a new one.
Pro tip: anyone with a Google account can post a question or answer. If you receive a question that seems like Spam or is inappropriate, you can flag them and it will be reviewed by Google and if fraudulent, the messaged will be removed by Google My Business card.
GMB is one of the most reliable partner connections we have. However, it's still a software company which means things can sometimes glitch on their platform, or in the communication between GMB and Reputation. This happens very rarely.
Here are some quick sanity checks:
- Have you refreshed your screen;
- Tried logging in and out?
- Have you changed your password lately? If yes, you'll need to reconnect.
There are 2 other scenarios this might occur:
1. A user might delete their review.
When you get an error that says "Response to GMB Review Failed," the first thing you should do is click on the “deep link” icon, which redirects you to the original GMB review.

If you can't find it on the live Google platform, it is highly likely that the review was deleted by the actual reviewer on the Google platform.
2. A user might update or edit their review.
Every 3-6 months, Google may ask a reviewer if they want to update a location that they have previously reviewed (and recently visited). This reminder may prompt a reviewer to update their review, or they might simply do it of their own volition.
The confusion comes from the fact that Google reviewers are only ever allowed to leave 1 x review, and that's to avoid spamming/fake reviews, etc. So, you could end up with a [NEW] GMB review that is bumped up to the top of your Reputation inbox, which is in fact simply an old review that's been updated.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to us via the chatbox on the bottom-right of your screen. We appreciate your time, and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can!